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Every player has a Soul. Come find your Mate.

Introducing the new “1030” 8 Watt Tube Amplifier

Small enough for the bedroom.


Loud enough for the neighbors to have a smoke when you're done.

The Carp 1030 is a super-charged eight-watt version of a classic 6V6/ECC83 amplifier.

It has a solid-state rectifier; four-, eight-and sixteen-ohm speaker outputs.

It also has volume, tone and gain controls to give guitarists more headroom and greater tonal flexibility.

When connected to 1x12, 2x12, 1x15 or 4x12 cabinets, the 1030 delivers supersaturated harmonically complex distortion like only a 6V6 can.

Though there are just three knobs, don’t let that fool you: the Carp 1030 has a whole lotta tone lurking in the depths of this solidly built amp.

From crystal-clear country clean to badass beefy blues bluster and raging rock ruckus. 






 Output: 8 Watts

Output Tubes: 1-6V6 S

Preamp Tubes: 1 – ECC83S

Rectifier: Solid State

Controls: Gain, Tone, Volume

Configurations: Head, Colors: Black, Red

Dimensions and Weight

Head: 16" W, 9 1/2" H, 9 1/2" D, 20